Glenn Smith

Glenn Smith

Glenn Smith manages Sky-Skan's European operations from their headquarters near Munich Germany. His technical background includes electronics, sound, lighting, construction, architecture, and fine-mechanics, and started his dome career in 1985 at Spitz Inc. He later moved to Sky-Skan Inc. in 1990 as their systems engineer, tasked to further develop their turnkey dome theater installations. This just as theater automation complexity was growing and video projection was beginning to play a major role in planetariums. Long stints in Paris, Seville, and Munich fostered a love of Europe and after 5 years of building bespoke theaters around the World, Glenn relocated to the Munich area to focus on bringing American-style planetarium technologies to Europe. In 2000 along with Sky-Skan, they founded Sky-Skan Europe as part of Sky-Skan's global strategy. In the coming years, Sky-Skan Europe under Glenn’s management has gone on to realize some of the company's most significant reference installations including award winning pavilions at many World Expos over the past decades, as well as museum exhibitions, corporate events, and cultural installations to name a few. All in all, Glenn has worked on-site at several hundred planetariums and dome theaters around the world, including creating several dozen new facilities from the ground-up. Glenn is a passionate fan of the unique intimate environment of dome theaters, and seeks to support the format in all ways possible. He was first to bring true 3D Wavefield Synthesis Sound Systems to dome theaters where the technology is ideal for the immersive experience, and he helped organize the World’s first digital 3D stereo dome projection. He has organized early pioneering digital fulldome works using fisheye lenses and analog cinema cameras to capture content, and later with time lapse capture using unique hardware and multi-axis panning rigs. Glenn is a member of a number of international organizations and planetarium associations, and actively participates in workgroups and forums to further the fulldome format. Ask him about the immersive restaurant!

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