News Archive

IMERSA Holiday Meetup

Holiday meetup.1


We had lots of inspirational holiday fun.



IMERSA's virtual event took place on December 11th, 10:00 to 11:30 A.M. Mountain Standard Time (1700 UTC).

Immersive filmmaking community members joined in a year-end festive celebration where we shared ideas, fun, and enjoyed a short keynote presentation by Joe Smith, a dynamic speaker familiar with IMERSA and the immersive community and the challenges we have faced this year.

Joe Smith


Joe has spoken to and consulted with a broad range of groups, including Habitat for Humanity, the Green Bay Packers and numerous universities and community groups. He took the opportunity to close out what, for many of us, has been a quite difficult time, with a message to create a more productive and successful 2021.


Following Joe's remarks, we played some games together and opened the floor to more conversation and networking.


We welcome all of our immersive colleagues to join us for future IMERSA events!


alcohol toast

Notice - The views expressed by our panelists, guests, and audience members do not necessarily reflect the views of the IMERSA organization, nor should be considered an endorsement by IMERSA.


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