News Archive

Good news from SSIA Technologies

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For many years, our colleagues in the Sky-Skan universe have made major contributions to the domed theater community. 

They’ve helped lead the way with innovations in projection automation systems and fulldome theater technology, software, and development of theater and other standards. In addition, Sky-Skan has been a major supporter of IMERSA over the years, for which we are very grateful.


The IMERSA Board of Directors is saddened to hear of the impending closure of Sky-Skan, Inc., in the U.S. as a result of Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings.


Sky-Skan Europe, being a separate company, is unaffected by this situation and will continue supporting Sky-Skan customers world-wide.


SSIA Technologies, led by former Sky-Skan employees George and Annette Barnett, will be supporting customers in North and South America.


We wish our U.S. Sky-Skan colleagues all the best in their future endeavors. The Board and members of IMERSA look forward to further collaborations and cooperation with Glenn Smith and his team. We thank him for his company’s continued support of our mission and his professional involvement in our standards work.



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