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SAT's iX symposium May 21-25 in Montreal: immersive digital experiences

satSpeakers include: Ben Shedd, Michael Naimark, David McConville and Ed Lantz.

The ix Symposium welcomes artists, researchers, educators, producers and distributors to share knowledge and experience about immersive and interactive technologies and about the art arising from them. It also welcomes broader audiences to world premieres of cutting edge digital works in Society for Arts and Technology’s dome, the Satosphere.


The ix symposium will provide an open exchange platform through a series of keynotes, panels, demonstrations, performances and immersive productions. An objective of the symposium is to help democratize access to immersive spaces and to the tools and processes used for the creation of original contents. Another objective is to foster a network facilitating the creation of a community and the circulation of people, ideas, and works. This will help rethink the models of production, the formats, the delivery systems, and the creative processes needed to maintain and nurture an international platform for strong artistic expressions and open innovation.

Keynotes by Jeffrey Shaw (School of Creative Media of Hong Kong, CHN), Miller Puckette (Max/MSP & Pure Data co-creator, US), Michael Naimark (MIT Media Lab, US), Martin Kusch (University of Applied Arts Vienna, AUT) and David McConville (Buckminster Fuller Institute, US) will launch the discussions of the main themes of the symposium. They will be followed by artists, researchers and practitioners, who will illustrate their side of the practice.

Overall, more than 50 participants from 20 cities and 10 countries will take part in this important gathering of innovators in immersion and experience!

More information here



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